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Why do i Need to Take a CSCS Test

Why do I need to take a CSCS Test?

Why does the UK need tradesmen to take a CSCS Test?

Construction is a risky business with one of the highest casualty rate among all professions.

Picture these scenarios: You’re working at a great height and a slight error on your part can send you crashing down the ground. A major electrical equipment explodes and many are charred to death. One mechanical crane lifts a ton too many and the heavy load crush people working underneath. Scary, right?

These, and a lot more, are the constant threats tradesmen work under day in day out.

You want them safe. They want to be safe. The Government want them safe. Companies have their own reasons – saving insurance money, avoiding bad press and escaping legal troubles – to keep the workforce safe.

But how do we ensure that tradesmen are safer? That they are equipped to minimize accidents at worksites?

Most of the casualties are result of human errors. Though we can’t eliminate all the safety threats, what we can do instead is to train the workforce to minimize those human errors and thus casualties.
The fact that the UK is now the safest country in Europe when it comes to construction related causalities signifies the importance of CSCS and the CSCS Test.

So why do I need to take CSCS Test?

Tests are a great way to measure people’s ability and knowledge. The CSCS Test seeks to evaluate your knowledge of and ability to avoid health and safety hazards on site.

Since passing the CSCS Test is mandatory to get a CSCS card and subsequently a job in construction, it’s essential that you gain knowledge of Health and Safety standards required to avoid accidents on site.

How do I take the CSCS Test?

First you have to book the test. But before you do that, you need to check which test you’re eligible for. Are you an operative? Then you need to take an operative test. Manage a construction site? Then you’ll need to take a Managers and Professionals test. This is just a snapshot of the various tests out there for different levels, and even trades.

At Construction Helpline, we’ve got years of experience when it comes to booking tradesmen in for a CSCS Test. Whatever your level and whatever your trade, you don’t need to look any further. So make sure you give us a call on 0207 199 9800 and get your construction career on the right track.


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